IMPORTANT NOTICE TURN OFF YOUR WIRELESS AND/OR CELLULAR CONNECTION BEFORE VIEWING THE REST OF THIS PAGE!   Psychopathic leaders of governments around the globe are manipulating RF-EMFs (Radio Frequency Electro Magnetic Fields) and silent high frequency audio waves emitted from wireless devices (smart phones, tablets, PCs, TVs, etc.) for use as military grade “active denial systems” […]
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Parts of Modern DNA derived from ET/Human Hybrids.

Parts of Modern DNA derived from ETs and human interbreeding. Mating with Nephilims (children of the sons of god or their children the Elouid) introduced genes which led to as much as a 4% change in the modern human genome. This can be seen in the human immune system, the HLA (human leucocyte antigen) family […]
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A word from Ron Paul about the corona virus COVID-19

The following is archived from http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2020/march/16/the-coronavirus-hoax/ Governments love crises because when the people are fearful they are more willing to give up freedoms for promises that the government will take care of them. After 9/11, for example, Americans accepted the near-total destruction of their civil liberties in the PATRIOT Act’s hollow promises of security. It […]
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